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Anatoly Dymarsky

Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in 2d CFT at finite central charge

I will review recent results concerning Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in 2d CFTs, namely the check of thermally of energy eigenstates. Since 2d theories exhibit infinity-dimensional symmetry and associated degeneracy of the CFT Hamiltonian, the proper formulation of ETH requires use of quantum KdV symmetry. With help of this integrable structure, individual energy eigenstates are indeed thermal at the large central charge limit, but for finite 'c' the situation becomes more interesting. In particular large but finite 'c' theories exhibit a novel effect -- the scaling crossover in the behavior of ETH matrix elements.

Nick Hunter-Jones
UT Austin

Progress on quantum complexity growth and saturation

The long-time growth of quantum circuit complexity is a phenomenon expected to occur in holographic theories and strongly-interacting many-body systems more generally, but proving anything about the complexity of a state or unitary is notoriously difficult. By considering ensembles of systems, and using tools from quantum information theory, we will prove statements about the complexity growth, saturation, and recurrence in various models, specifically focusing on random quantum circuits, providing an update on what is known and what the open questions are.


Adam Solomon

Love and Symmetry

Claire Zukowski
University of Minnesota Duluth

Wilson Loops and de Sitter Quantum Gravity

I will propose a mechanism, based on the Chern-Simons formulation of three-dimensional Euclidean gravity, that couples matter fields to three-dimensional de Sitter quantum gravity. First, I will derive novel su(2) representations that differ in Hermiticity choice from the usual unitary representations; these are important for gravitational applications of Chern-Simons theory. I will then introduce the concept of a “Wilson spool” constructed from a collection of Wilson loops winding around Euclidean de Sitter space. In the classical limit, this spool correctly reproduces the one-loop determinant of a free massive scalar field on the three-sphere. I will end with a prediction for quantum gravity: allowing for quantum metric fluctuations, the spool can be systematically evaluated to any order in perturbation theory.




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