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Laura Donnay

Harvard University

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Conformally Soft Photons and Gravitons


Jonathan Heckman

University of Pennsylvania

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F-theory and Dark Energy

Alex Maloney

McGill University

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Information Theory and the Conformal Bootstrap


Two dimensional conformal field theories are among the most important quantum field theories: they describe important statistical and condensed matter systems near criticality, and -- while not exactly solvable -- many exact techniques can be used which are not available in higher dimensions.  I will consider these theories defined on surfaces of genus g>1, where the partition function of the theory can be interpreted as an entanglement Renyi entropy.  This leads to a fascinating relationship between the geometry of conformal field theory and information theory.  In particular, statements about information theory lead to novel constraints on the structure constants of the theory which are invisible in the usual conformal bootstrap approach to the classification of CFTs.  I will also discuss the relationship with holography, where the phase structure of black holes teaches us about the entanglement structure of strongly coupled field theory.


Roberto Emparan

Universitat de Barcelona

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Black Hole Collisions in Higher Dimensions


Clifford Johnson

University of Southern California

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Further Connections Between Gravitational Thermodynamics and Quantum Information


We show how the extended thermodynamics of hyperbolic black holes in AdS describes features of quantum information measures in quantum field theory, and discuss prospects for making further connections. In particular, the second law of thermodynamics is seen in this context to map to the generalized Zamolodchikov c-theorem, connecting these two firmly for the first time. Some projects  for getting further lessons and perhaps new tools from  these connections (perhaps using holographic heat engines) are outlined. 



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@2018 by SWM.

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